Welcome December!

Today is December 1st….and this day resonates with me for a variety of different reasons. This is the day in 2014 that I embarked upon moving to Maryland from North Carolina to further/expand my career in counseling/mental health (and soon thereafter met a budding clinician by the name of Jasmine Gary). The month of December has also brought about much joy as well as much pain for myself; personally. This month carries the birthdays of some of the closest and most important people in my life (with my own birthday rounding out the month), is packed with holiday celebrations that millions upon millions of people share across the globe, as well as closes out the 2017 chapter as we enter into that of 2018.

With the start of this month, I want to focus my efforts on personal and professional growth; increasing my overall wellness, and injecting more joy into my life. I don’t want to wait for New Years to make ambitious resolutions that often fall short by January’s end. I want to start TODAY to create a space where I feel happier than I did on yesterday, and strive to recreate and enhance those feelings for the days/weeks/months/years to come. I also desire the same for you all as well; because, that is the goal of Rooted for Greatness and my personal goal as a clinician/helping professional. So lets call this a reboot; a refocusing on what is truly important and adds value to our lives.

Let’s GROW!
