How do I know if I’m experiencing depression?
In many communities around the nation, being depressed has negative beliefs associated with it; one might even believe having depression makes you appear “weak.” Our goal is to help further end the stigma about mental health. I can recall many people that I’ve worked with thinking that depression is only when a person feels sad and suicidal. While both of these are in fact components of clinical depression, it doesn’t effectively illustrate how it impacts daily functioning. Depression effects how we see the world around us but most importantly, how we view our world WITHIN us. If you think you might be suffering from depression and would like more understanding, you can begin by asking yourself a few simple questions. On more days than not over the past two weeks have I had trouble:
1. Getting out of bed in the morning? (Increased sleep habits or not sleeping at all?)
2. Have feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness? (thoughts such as ‘My life will never get better.’?)
3. Have no appetite?
4. Have an increased appetite that’s not explained by any other factors (medical issues or physical exercise)?
5. Having trouble concentrating on things such as reading the newspaper or watching tv? (When your mind can’t quite focus on one task at a time.)
6. Loss on interest or pleasure in things you once enjoyed doing? (Spending time with your children or friends just isn’t as fun as it used to be?)
7. Irritable mood or unexplained crying spells?
If you’ve answered yes to 5 or more of these questions, know that you are not alone and there IS treatment for clinical depression. If you have more questions about depression, please contact us at If you are having suicidal thoughts please refer to the suicide hotline number listed on our resources page.
Together in health & wellness, JG