Well, its Monday….
If you are anything like me you have to literally drag yourself out of the bed, drink some coffee to orient yourself, and if you’re lucky make some breakfast and race out the door to make it to work on time. Mondays are woeful for me because it comes after two days of being able to focus on my life…that thing outside of work…even if all I was able to do was sleep, do domestic tasks, and get myself ready for the upcoming work week’s demands. My hope is that we all start to be able to look at Monday in a different way going forward; that it is an opportunity to refocus on our greatness and put plans into action for the week to get us to our “happy place”. It’s that internal motivational factor that drives us…perhaps we keep the pace for our family, our bills, because it’s what is “expected” of us…but what is it that motivates you? For me it is all of those things; but most specifically it is to live up to what I have charted for myself. Sure I get discouraged, lazy, unfocused, etc.; we all do, but we have to keep pushing and evolving to be able to be our best selves.
On this “Columbus Day”…..many may be off of work; as I am, and are perhaps just rolling out of the bed to figure out what they need to do with the day.
These are some questions that we are posing today for your reflection, comment, and focus:
- What/who motivates you?
- What issues/situations/circumstances have gotten in the way of you staying the course with a goal and/or aspiration?
- What are your short term goals? (Things that you wish to accomplish within the next month to three months)
- What are your long term goals? (Things that you wish to accomplish within the next one to five years…or longer)
- What would you need to make you more successful with your goals?
Stay tuned…~NB😘